Contesting Place in a Post-colonial Space

(Re)colonizing Tradition

A Pedestrian Guide to a "Traditional" City

Welcome to Bhaktapur

[1] The Tea Stall at Guhepukhu

[2] Nava Durga Chitra Mandir

[3] Khauma Square

[4] Tourist Motor Park

[5] Indrani Pitha

[6]Lasku Dhwakha Gate

[7]Char Dham

[8]Cafe de Temple

[9]Batsala Temple

[10] Batsala Temple

[11] City Hall

[12] The Procession Route

[13] Pujari Math

[14] The Peacock Restaurant

[15] Sewage Collection Ponds

[16] Bhairavanath Temple

2046 Peoplešs Movement

Some 20 months later, in late 1989 and early 1990, after the long 23 March Indian Trade embargo, and in Gorbachevšs shadow, the 2046 Peoplešs Movement began.

    The first event in Bhaktapur was Democracy Day (Phalgun 7), on which there was a flag demonstration that marched around the procession route. The next day the market was closed in a general strike. At 7:00 A.M., demonstrations started from Suryamadi. There were some 200 people at the beginning, but they were soon joined by thousands. Even though there were minor fights with police, the demonstrators continued to march.

    Yet, when they reached Taumadhi Square, there was a major clash with police and demonstrators. There were two different groups of demonstrators. The first group went through peacefully and closed with a mass meeting at Nasamna. The second group (following a few minutes behind ) was stopped by police. At 9:30 A.M., without any warning the police fired at Rajkumar Suval, krisnaram Duval and Nirmalkumar Shakya and killed them. The first two victims died at Taumadhi. A third person was killed at Sakotha, and then a fourth at Tripurasundari.

     The next day, Phalgun 8, the market was closed to oppose the deaths. In a massive demonstration, people gathered at Bhaktapur Hospital to demand the remains of those killed the day before. This lead to clashes at Itache(n), Gahiti, and Datratraya, which were violently suppressed by police. Three days later, 14 Phalgun, was nationally declared "Opposition Day," and black flags were hung throughout the city. Even though he was in mourning, the father of one of the men killed circumambulated the procession route carrying a black flag. On 19 Phalgun,the market and transportation systems were shut down by a general strike, and police were placed at strategic locations around the town to suppress it. This was followed by many house arrests. During 27­30 Phalgun, flags of the Nepali Congress and the Nepal Left Front were hung at the main streets and at the markets around the city. Also, leaflets were disseminated by the Democratic Movement Coordination Committee to support a Nepal General Strike on 1 Caitra 2046.

     On 1 Caitra, markets and transportation were closed again, and many people were arrested for "hit and run"demonstrations. On 5 Caitra, the United National Peoplešs Movement held a torch demonstration in which people were arrested. On 8 Caitra, there was a demonstration at Lohakinthali to support Peoplešs Unity Day. The next day there was a nationwide teachers strike; in Bhaktapur there were many arrests. On 16 Caitra, there was a blackout starting at 7 P.M., and a large demonstration from Ba (n)shablpal to Taumadhi . Demonstrators clashed with police, but were beaten. Many were wounded and arrested. Over the next few days there were daily blackouts and torch demonstrations.

    On 17 Caitra, there was a large demonstration at the administration building, in which many were arrested. The next day, there was a large demonstration at Tacapa: Square. Three days later, on 20 Caitra, there was a Valley-wide general strike. At least 5,000 people demonstrated in a procession that went from Suryamadhi to Tacapa: Square; people chanted, "Police and People are one! Unite against the main enemy!" Two days later, there was a demonstration at bolache (n ) participated in by members of the Nepali Congress, NeMaKiPa, and Marxist-Leninists Parties.

     On 25 Caitra, all the prisoners arrested during the movement were released, and they were welcomed back at a big meeting in Taumadhi. On 27 Caitra (6 April), the king announced that the words "Partyless" and "Ban on Political Parties" would be struck from the constitution of 2019. The leaders of the Peoplešs Movement postponed any further action. On 5 Baishak, all the prisoners who had been accused in the Hyo(n)ju incident, including Comrade Rohit, were released. On the following day, there was a mass meeting at Taumadhi to celebrate the success of the pro-Democracy Movement.


Mandala Map

Tourist Map


Tour Map

Durbar Square

Tacapa Map



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Š 2001 Gregory Price Grieve , Site design by GDL Historical Laboratories. .